this is just kind of a list of shit imma do this year. I’m more or less focusing on remaking very old content i made a couple years ago to show how far I’ve come, along with the resurrecting old ideas for new stuff.
Unlike the first version, this project is no longer a one-man-show. I now have a small team of friends on other places such as Twitter and Discord who are very talented and will give a new coat of paint to the game. Surprisingly things have been going pretty smoothly and because of this, I plan to release Funk Freakout’s next update at the end of this month. Hopefully I, along with the other team members can stick to this promise.
Around 2-3 years ago, I made a really cryptic project on Scratch centering around the idea of the main mascot of the site, Scratch Cat, becoming an eldritch horror after being deleted multiple times. You can view it here.
I plan on bringing that idea back and turning it into a full-blown series, including but not limited to:
- A new design for the Scratch entity, along with it having an actual name.
- Actual lore behind its origins, as that was what his 2021 incarnation lacked.
- Decent quality in every single episode.
- New and fresh characters.
The series will also actually attempt to be actually scary, use other types of horror that aren’t limited to the analog genre, and have a visual identity that isn’t partially rehashed from other works. (cough cough certain aspects of SCRATCH2008)
Lots of growth in my artistic abilities have happened since the dark ages of 2016, and because of this a lot of my old works, especially on Scratch, are now seen as outdated in comparison to what I’m capable of now. This year will be a lot more focused on bringing those ideas back to life, with new stories, new visuals, and a new appearance and execution in general!
Games such as Circ the Circle and BunBun will be remade from the ground up, along with being next to new projects such as The Scratchiviles. I’ll branch out to content outside of infamous fandoms. I can assure you I’ll try as much as I can, with the help of all of you, to make sure that this year will be my personal renaissance.
also my twitter anniversary is tomorrow so that’s cool ig
Thanks for reading this! Bye! =^..^=